Inside Secrets of Huawei Mate 60 Pro

The Huawei Mate 60 Pro was expected to include a 5G application processor and SoC (system-on-chip) from HiSilicon, as a result, the Kirin 9000s. Additionally, the team found evidence of SMIC 7nm (N+2). In contrast, this represents a made-in-China design and manufacturing milestone for the most advanced Chinese foundry TechInsights has documented.

China’s Advancement in Chip Technology

The development of an advanced 7-nanometer processor for Huawei’s Mate 60 Pro smartphone signifies furthermore significant progress in China’s quest for technological self-sufficiency. Simultaneously, produced domestically by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), the Kirin 9000s chip represents a significant milestone in China’s semiconductor capabilities. In addition, this achievement highlights China’s commitment to technological innovation.

SMIC’s Cutting-Edge 7nm Technology

This processor is the first to employ SMIC’s cutting-edge 7nm technology. Furthermore, it marks a notable achievement for the Chinese chipmaker. Additionally, this advancement challenges the narrative that China lags behind in semiconductor technology.

In contrast, this achievement underscores China’s growing influence in the global tech industry. It also paves the way for further innovation and competition on the international stage.

Questions on Scalability and Cost

While this development is significant, questions remain regarding the scalability and cost-effectiveness of producing chips in volume. Furthermore, the practicality of achieving self-sufficiency in semiconductor production hinges on overcoming these challenges. On one hand, it’s crucial to address scalability issues, but on the other hand, we must also consider the cost-effectiveness aspect. Additionally, global collaboration in research and development may provide innovative solutions to these hurdles. In the meantime, it’s essential to keep a close eye on emerging technologies and industry trends to navigate this dynamic landscape effectively.

In contrast, this achievement underscores China’s growing influence in the global tech industry. It also paves the way for further innovation and competition on the international stage.

Implications for U.S. Export Controls

Additionally, this progress has implications for U.S. export controls. These controls were designed to restrict China’s access to advanced technology. Furthermore, China’s ability to produce chips five years behind the technological frontier raises questions about the effectiveness of these controls. Nevertheless, it remains a topic of concern.

Moreover, this technological advancement underscores the need for a reevaluation of current export policies. On the one hand, it showcases China’s relentless pursuit of technological catch-up. On the other hand, it highlights the evolving landscape of global technology competition, prompting policymakers to rethink strategies for safeguarding national interests.

TechInsights’ Authoritative Analysis

TechInsights’ comprehensive analysis of the Mate 60 Pro’s components provides valuable insights into the device’s technology. Firstly, this analysis sheds light on Huawei’s advancements and challenges in semiconductor technology. Additionally, it highlights the critical role of cutting-edge materials in the device’s performance. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of continuous innovation in the ever-evolving smartphone market.

Stock Surge for SMIC

Following the publication of TechInsights’ report, subsequently, SMIC’s stock experienced significant gains. This surge reflects the market’s recognition of China’s progress in semiconductor technology. Moreover, it underscores the growing importance of the semiconductor industry globally.

In addition, these gains could potentially stimulate increased investments in Chinese tech firms. Furthermore, they highlight the interconnectedness of the global tech market and the need for continuous monitoring of international tech developments.

The Road to Technological Self-Sufficiency

China’s journey towards technological self-sufficiency in semiconductor production is marked by milestones like this one. However, while challenges persist, China’s determination to reduce reliance on foreign technology sources is evident in its strides in chip technology. In addition, the nation’s efforts reflect its commitment to shaping the future of the global tech industry. Furthermore, as China continues to invest heavily in research and development, it’s poised to become a significant player in the global semiconductor landscape, potentially reshaping the industry dynamics.

Huawei’s Global 5G Struggles: Chip Shortages and Legal Battles

Since 2019, the US has restricted Huawei’s access to chipmaking tools essential for producing the most advanced handset models. Consequently, despite being a manufacturer of 5G network equipment, Huawei was previously only able to launch limited batches of actual 5G phones using stockpiled chips.

Furthermore, Huawei has been banned from providing 5G network equipment in numerous countries, including those of the Five Eyes security alliance, over national security concerns raised by its ties to the Chinese government. In addition, Huawei has filed a lawsuit with a Lisbon court against operators there being barred from using its equipment in 5G mobile networks.

SMIC’s Innovative Approach to 7nm Chips Raises Quality Concerns

But TechInsights said in 2022 it believed SMIC had managed to produce 7nm chips by tweaking simpler machines that it could still purchase freely from ASML. Moreover, some research firms have forecast that only 50% or fewer of 7nm chips produced this way would turn out to be usable. In contrast, the industry norm is 90% or more, and it would limit shipments of the resulting smartphones.

Outside China, the best 7nm chips are made using a process called extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) – a closely guarded technology that the US is leading the push to keep out of Beijing’s hands. This technology is vital to national security; therefore, it’s crucial to control its dissemination.

Conclusion: Navigating the Semiconductor Landscape

The development of the Kirin 9000s chip for Huawei’s Mate 60 Pro, utilizing SMIC’s 7nm technology, signifies a significant achievement for China’s semiconductor industry. While questions about scalability and cost-effectiveness remain, this milestone challenges the narrative of China’s technological lag.

In a world where semiconductor technology is a linchpin for progress, this advancement has implications far beyond smartphone components. It underscores China’s determination to secure its position in the global technology landscape.

Moreover, this achievement questions the effectiveness of U.S.-led export controls designed to restrict China’s access to advanced technology. China’s ability to produce cutting-edge chips marks a notable step towards self-sufficiency in semiconductor production.

As China continues to make strides in chip technology, the global technology landscape will likely witness a shift. While hurdles remain, China’s commitment to reducing reliance on foreign technology sources is undeniable. The Mate 60 Pro’s Kirin 9000s chip is just one chapter in China’s ongoing journey towards technological self-sufficiency.


1. What is the significance of SMIC’s 7nm technology in the Kirin 9000s chip for Huawei’s Mate 60 Pro?

SMIC’s 7nm technology marks a crucial milestone for China’s semiconductor industry. It represents the nation’s capability to fabricate advanced chips, challenging the narrative of technological lag.

2. Can China produce these chips in volume, and are they cost-effective?

The article highlights that much remains unknown regarding scalability and cost-effectiveness. While the Kirin 9000s chip is a remarkable achievement, questions about its mass production and economic viability persist.

3. How does this achievement affect global technology dynamics?

China’s success in producing advanced chips has broader implications for the global technology landscape. It questions the efficacy of U.S.-led export controls designed to restrict China’s access to advanced technology.

4. What is the goal of China’s semiconductor industry?

China’s ultimate objective is to achieve self-sufficiency in semiconductor production, reducing its reliance on foreign technology sources. The Kirin 9000s chip is a significant step in this journey.

5. What’s next for China’s semiconductor industry?

China’s commitment to technological advancement is evident, and as it continues to make strides in chip technology, we can anticipate further developments that could reshape the global semiconductor landscape.

Lucas J Anderson

Lucas's love for writing and sharing knowledge led him to the world of blogging. Through his eloquent words, he delves into topics ranging from technology trends and coding tips to productivity hacks and lifestyle advice. His blog serves as a platform for inspiration and education, making complex subjects accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Lucas J Anderson's journey as a freelancer, blogger, SEO specialist, software engineer, and advocate is a testament to his unwavering passion for continuous learning and personal growth. Through his endeavors, he seeks to inspire others to embrace their passions, make a difference, and leave a lasting impact on the world. Join him on his exciting ventures as he continues to create, innovate, and explore new horizons.

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