How to use Pinterest for Blogging Success: A Guide to Skyrocketing Your Blog Traffic

6 min read

You may have caught wind of the buzz surrounding Pinterest’s potential for bloggers. Well, here’s the inside scoop: Pinterest is a true game-changer for bloggers.

We can attest to the truth of these rumors from our own experiences. Whether you’re launching a new blog or looking to revitalize your existing one, Pinterest is a platform you can’t afford to overlook. Let’s understand how to use Pinterest for blogging.

Data to Support this Theory

Much like Google, Pinterest is, in essence, a powerful search engine, boasting a staggering 465 million monthly users. Furthermore, surprisingly, nearly 45% of all U.S. Pinners boast an annual income exceeding $100,000, and a whopping 80% of weekly Pinners have uncovered fresh brands or products through the platform.

Whether your blog focuses on e-commerce, personal anecdotes, or any other niche, Pinterest can be a vital tool for promoting your content and increasing your blogging revenue. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Pinterest for blogging success just that. In this guide, we draw from our own experiences.

Mastering Pinterest Jargon

Before you dive into the world of Pinterest, it’s crucial to acquaint yourself with the platform’s terminology.

InterestDefinition of Interest
PinnerA Pinterest user
PinAn image, video or any other piece of content that you post or save on Pinterest
FollowerA user who subscribes to your boards and pins, and sees your content in their feed
BoardA collection of pins; you can freely create and organize your boards, plus keep them public, private or shared among a group
RepinWhen you save someone else’s pin to one of your own board
LikeAn action that shows you appreciate a pin without repinning it; any ‘liked’ Pins are saved under “Your Likes”
Rich PinsA type of pin that includes additional information, like recipe ingredients, product prices or map locations
FeedThe home screen where you see a stream of pins from users and boards you follow.
Promoted PinsPaid pins that businesses can promote to a larger audience on Pinterest
Buyable PinsPins that have a “Buy It” button, allowing users to make purchases directly from the pin without leaving Pinterest
Idea PinsMulti-page Pins that can include images, videos and text; this format lends itself well to blogging directly on Pinterest (versus linking to a blog post on your website)
Home feedThe default view when you log into Pinterest, showing a mix of pins from accounts and boards you follow

Utilizing Pinterest for Blogging

Establish Your Pinterest Business Account

To effectively promote your blog through Pinterest, your first step is creating a Pinterest Business Account. Firstly, this specialized account unlocks a range of features tailored to support business bloggers. Moreover, it provides access to the Pinterest Business Hub and Pinterest Analytics, enabling you to monitor Pin performance and audience interactions. Furthermore, a business account opens doors to Pinterest ads and rich Pins, including article-rich Pins that facilitate seamless data synchronization from your blog to Pinterest.

You can establish a new business account for free or convert your existing personal account into a business account. A noteworthy detail: you can always revert a business account back to a personal one or link up to four business accounts with your personal one.

For any Business Startup, Market research is crucial for understanding your target audience, industry trends, and competition. There are various tools and resources available to help businesses conduct effective market research. Read more about it in the article “Business Startup: Top 15 Market Research Tools for Digital Marketing and Blogging

Optimize Your Pinterest Business Profile

Initially, optimizing your Pinterest business profile is the first stride towards success. Ensure that your business profile is rich in detail and reflects your brand identity. By doing this, you not only enhance your visibility to Pinterest users but also boost your discoverability on Google. Notably, Pinterest derives about 40% of its traffic from Google’s organic search results, making optimization beneficial on both platforms.

Additionally, embed relevant keywords in your bio, clearly conveying your brand’s essence and content focus. Moreover, utilize your logo or another suitable, professional, and easily recognizable image as your profile picture to represent your brand.

Curate Boards Aligned with Your Blog

In addition to a well-optimized profile, consider creating boards that resonate with your blog’s categories or cater to your target audience’s interests. Each board serves as a fresh entry point to your content. Just as site visitors employ your main menu for navigation, Pinners use your boards to unearth content that aligns with their needs and interests.

For instance, the Pinterest account comprises boards categorized by website- or small business-related themes, such as Photography, Website Templates, and the SEO Learning Hub. These boards are aptly named to incorporate keywords that users might enter into Pinterest or Google.


In conclusion, Pinterest is a valuable ally in your journey as a blogger. To illustrate, by following these steps and mastering Pinterest’s unique jargon, you can harness the platform’s immense potential to elevate your blog traffic and audience engagement. Notably, embrace Pinterest, and watch your blog soar to new heights.

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is a Pinterest Business Account, and why do I need one for my blog?

A Pinterest Business Account is a specialized account that provides access to essential tools and features tailored for business bloggers. Furthermore, it’s necessary for effectively promoting your blog on Pinterest because it unlocks options like Pinterest Analytics and the Pinterest Business Hub, which allow you to track your Pin performance and audience interactions.

2. Can I convert my personal Pinterest account into a Business Account, and is it reversible?

Moreover, you have the option to convert your personal Pinterest account into a Business Account. The process is straightforward, and it allows you to take full advantage of the business-oriented features. Importantly, if you ever wish to revert to a personal account, it’s entirely possible. Furthermore, you can also link up to four business accounts with your personal account. This flexibility in account types and the ability to link multiple business accounts provide you with a range of options to suit your Pinterest marketing needs.

3. How can optimizing my Pinterest profile benefit my blog’s visibility?

Optimizing your Pinterest business profile is critical for boosting your blog’s discoverability. Additionally, Pinterest receives about 40% of its traffic from Google’s organic search results. By enriching your profile with relevant keywords and conveying your brand’s identity, you not only make it easier for Pinterest users to find you but also enhance your chances of appearing in Google search results.

4. What are “rich Pins,” and how can they help my blog on Pinterest?

Rich Pins are a category of enhanced Pinterest Pins. Additionally, they come in various forms, including article-rich Pins. These specialized Pins enable you to synchronize information from your blog directly to Pinterest. For bloggers, article-rich Pins are particularly valuable. First and foremost, they make it easy for users to engage with your blog content.

5. Why is curating boards aligned with my blog important, and how can it benefit my content strategy?

Creating boards aligned with your blog categories and audience interests is essential because it provides Pinners with specific entry points to your content. For example, just as website visitors use a main menu for navigation, Pinners use your boards to discover content that’s most relevant to their interests.

Lucas J Anderson

Lucas's love for writing and sharing knowledge led him to the world of blogging. Through his eloquent words, he delves into topics ranging from technology trends and coding tips to productivity hacks and lifestyle advice. His blog serves as a platform for inspiration and education, making complex subjects accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Lucas J Anderson's journey as a freelancer, blogger, SEO specialist, software engineer, and advocate is a testament to his unwavering passion for continuous learning and personal growth. Through his endeavors, he seeks to inspire others to embrace their passions, make a difference, and leave a lasting impact on the world. Join him on his exciting ventures as he continues to create, innovate, and explore new horizons.

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