US Government Faces Shutdown

Large swaths of the US government could temporarily close on October 1 if Congress does not approve spending bills due to a dispute between far-right Republicans and other lawmakers.

Understanding Government Shutdowns

What's a gov't shutdown? Congress funds 438 agencies yearly. No bills by Sept. 30, agencies halt.

Shutdown History

Since the 1970s, there have been 20 government shutdowns, with the fourth in the last decade. The longest was in December 2018, lasting 35 days.

Impacts on Federal Employees

Essential federal employees work without pay during a shutdown, receiving retroactive pay afterward. Others are furloughed until Congress approves a spending package.

Crucial Services Continue

Essential services like air traffic control and Social Security continue during a shutdown. Each agency has a contingency plan to determine who works without pay.

Transportation Concerns

Air travel remains relatively unaffected, but shutdowns can affect airport security. TSA screeners may call in sick more often.

Military and Civilian Workers

All military personnel continue working, but around 429,000 civilian Pentagon employees may be sent on temporary leave during a shutdown.

Economic Consequences

Short shutdowns have limited impact, but if employees miss paychecks after two weeks, the economy suffers. 2018-2019 shutdown cost $3B.

Concerns for the Economy

A potential US government shutdown in 2023 could add to worries about the economy, affecting year-end and beyond.


Stay updated on the US government's funding decisions and their impact, as the possibility of a shutdown looms.